Sakar English School

Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
(Affiliated to CBSE)

Competitive Exams

Competitive exams help children to develop their thinking power, logical reasoning and analytical skills. At Sakar we encourage all our students to take part in various national and international level competitive exams like ASSET, Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) – NCO (National Computer Olympiad), NSO (National Science Olympiad), IMO (International Maths Olympiad) and IEO (International English Olympiad), IAIS and NSTSE. The opportunity we provide, enable our children to prepare themselves to be ready for the global challenge and understand their true potential.

Around 182 students from class 1st on words participated in INDIAN TALENT EXAM of which two students got Bronze Medal at state level with the reward of Rs. 500 each. Around 21 students got class toppers reward. Every year Gujarat Board conducts TALENT SEARCH TEST for 9th std. students which included exams for English, Maths, Science, SST and GK. This year 60 plus students from our school participated in the exam.   

As a result of our continuous efforts, a number of Sakarians is increasing for appearing in such examinations and winning them . In current year  there are total of 800-plus students participated in various exams and many of them won Gold , Silver and Bronze medals.