Sakar English School

Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
(Affiliated to CBSE)

Chairman's Message

Pravin L Patel

The Chairman of the school, 


He is a deeply spiritual and generous philanthropist with great insight into education. He is blessed and inspired by the founder of Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission, Anadimukta Shri Narayanbhai, a great spiritually enlightened educationist, administrator and teacher. Pravin Patel has been conferred with The Indian Leadership Award for Education Excellence – 2012  by the Indian Economic Development & Research Association, New Delhi. Along with this award he was presented Global Achievers Award for his outstanding achievements & distinguished global services at the international conference in Dubai.

मेरे भगवन मेरे बालको में है

At Sakar English School, we believe that parents, teachers and the society are responsible for creating the right environment, conducive to inculcating the right values and true knowledge to mould a perfect human being.

Keeping this in mind, Sakar English School marches ahead with more innovative measures to ensure a holistic learning experience for our students.  Sakar is committed to provide education that helps to develop children into balanced personalities, sound value of love, kindness, devotion and services.

They will learn to respect, accept and embrace the difference across varied cultures.  They will develop their potential by believing in themselves as capable individuals.  They will learn to create, to lead, to love and live life fully and arm them with the necessary skills that will help them make the nation proud.

I wish all the success to the team !